Equine Reiki

A Description of an Equine Reiki Treatment is described below, and prices are on the Services Page (click here).

Equine and Human Reiki share many core practices. The body is divided into sections, or chakras, each with its own influence on mental, Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual well-being.

Palms are placed directly on the body, sometimes just nearby or further away, commonly called “Beaming”.

Any horse can benefit from a course of Reiki treatments, regardless of age or state of health, and beneficial changes can take place over a fairly short space of time. It is not to replace health or veterinarian care but it can be a helpful addition for your horse emotionally, mentally and physically.

Some of the problems or areas that Reiki has been found to help with are physical Injuries (tendons/ ligaments etc).

A Reiki Session with Equines

One of the cool things about treating equines and all animals with Reiki is that they have no preconceptions, no judgment, and no objectivity. They go with what they feel; they don’t overthink it.

Reiki helps to bring the equine back to better health on all levels and it’s a great way to encourage bonding with humans.

In my experience, all equines have responded to the Reiki energy, entering a state of relaxation.

It’s best to give Reiki when it is not breakfast or dinnertime, and in a place that is quiet and with little distraction. It can be a paddock or stall, but I prefer to have no ties between the equine and myself.

 I use a halter only if it’s necessary, e.g. if the treatment is given in a larger space and the equine wanders off, or if the horse is on cross ties. However, in my experience, even in a large pasture or paddock, once the equine feels the Reiki energy, they choose to stay in my space with the energy.

A complete Reiki treatment on an average-sized horse can take up to 60-75 minutes; more or less depending on the size of the equine, though listening to the equine, as they will tell you when the session is over.

Soma licking my hand for the salt in my skin. Reiki is always flowing.

Before the treatment.

I allow the equine to come to me and give the equine time to smell me and get to know me, before doing any hands-on Reiki.

When I feel that the equine is OK with my presence, I begin to stroke, not pat, the equine, moving slowly and respectfully. Giving a scratch in a favourite spot! Equines do not like to be patted.

Honour and respect the equine and the Reiki process and always mentally or verbally ask permission from the equine (even though in many cases the equine’s human has asked for Reiki).

I ask the equine to show me where healing is needed, though Reiki is intelligent and will go where it is needed without any guidance from me.

I connect with the Reiki energy and the equine and get quiet, detaching myself from distractions, like meditation. It brings peace and inspiration and creates the space so that I can become conscious of my spiritual connection.

Merlin receives Reiki energy while Ella looks on.

During the treatment.

First I “scan” the equine. This will give me an insight into areas of imbalance. Keeping one hand on the equine and placing your other hand directly above the equine’s body in their energy field. Steadily moving my hand from the head to the tail, then the upper body to the feet. I feel and take note of any areas that pull in more energy through my hands or areas that have blockages. These areas may feel stagnant, warm or cold.

Note: If the equine is anxious, unsettled or dangerous, due to behavioural issues such as abuse, or because of extreme physical pain, I “beam” the Reiki energy to the equine (thanking my Reiki Guides for directing the energy to the animal). When the equine begins to relax and I feel safe, I will consider placing my hands on. If not, I will continue to “beam” the energy and speak calmly and quietly with the equine.

Soma with a sore knee.
Soma with a sore knee, asked me for more while grooming my head.

After Scanning

I place my hands on the equine’s shoulder. This is a neutral and non-threatening area for the equine and enables you to connect and start the flow of Reiki energy.

I place my hands on or above areas that presented themselves during the scanning. If I didn’t feel anything in a particular area, I begin with the head, making my way down the equine’s body to the tail,  maintaining continuous energy contact with the body as I move to different areas.

If the equine has a physical concern in a particular area, such as a sore tendon, joint, or lameness, I focus the energy on that point, sometimes using violet breath, following my intuition and listening to where the equine asks me to go.

Soma completely relaxed and showed me some love as I helped him with his knee.
Soma coming for a chat while I’m giving Reiki to his brother, Spirit.

Equine Reactions to Reiki

As equines receive, feel and accept the Reiki energy, they will present signs such as:

  • Lowering of head
  • Soft eyes
  • Licking and chewing
  • Dropping the bottom lip
  • Moving the jaw
  • Blowing out gently through nostrils
  • Gut sounds
  • Breathing deeply
  • Resting a hind foot

Cracker and I having a chat while giving him Reiki. (Above & Below)

A totally spiritual experience for both me and Cracker. (Above & Below)

After the Treatment. To close the session, I make a sweeping motion down the length of the body, three times, beginning at the head, to seal in the energy.

The equine should be allowed to remain quiet, for the rest of the day if possible, making sure water is available.

Give Thanks to the equine for the opportunity to give Reiki and to help them heal for their highest good, and to my guides for this beautiful gift of Reiki.

Bailey is at peace.

With special thanks to Dune Lakes Lodge – Auckland’s Horse Inspired Learning Centre (click here)